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March is Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Awareness Month.

Learn about CRC biomarkers.

Ribbon Ribbon

This month, we’re focusing on people living with multiple myeloma and their loved ones.

Real People

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[serene music]

[Billy] If you get a cancer diagnosis, it's kind of like a shot across the bow.

[Judi] The pain is real, the challenges are real, the fear is real. But you have to focus on living.

[Lindsay] Your thoughts immediately go to your kids and how will that affect their life.

[Fred] I look up at the sky and talk to the great unknown, and I go, "You've gotta let me stay. I'm making a difference. That has to count for something."

[Judi] When you've been diagnosed with cancer, it wakes you up.

The potential for joy and beauty and love get very, very real.

[Sachi] So you turn it into something beautiful, and you can't run away from it. It just gives a new meaning to life.

[Fred] I got to find something inside me to go the distance.

[Judi] You get to choose every day who you're gonna be. You can choose to be afraid.

You can choose to be filled with grief and sorrow. But you also get to choose joy.

[Narrator] See more at

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This Is Living With Cancer- Trailer :90
Follow the journeys of seven people redefining what it means to live with cancer.

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